Here are few of my favorite healthy recipe ideas for dinner tonight!
This is a great dish to add to your week night staples. It is low in fat, high in nutrition and super easy to make.
2 Organic, free range chicken breast, cubed
Organic Asparagus, chopped
1/2 cup of organic chicken broth or water
2 cloves of organic garlic, crushed and minced
4 tablespoons of organic onion, chopped
Dash of paprika
Salt and pepper to taste
Place chicken, asparagus, liquids, and spices and pour into a small baking dish. Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes or until bubbly hot. Once done, sprinkle with paprika.
* Add a side salad with tons of fresh organic veggies and you have yourself a complete nutritious meal!
Pair this entree with a side of veggies and a side salad.
Any kind of white fish
4 tablespoons of lemon juice (freshly squeezed)
1/4 cup of vegetable broth or water
1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon for fresh dill
1 clove organic garlic crushed and minced
1 tablespoon of minced organic onion
Salt and black pepper to taste
Saute fish with lemon juice, vegetable broth and vinegar. Add garlic, onion, and fresh dill. Cook for an additional 5 - 10 minutes or until fish is completely cooked. Garnish with lemon wedges.
A super simple vinaigrette that not only goes great on salads but also can be used as a marinade for chicken!
4 fresh organic strawberries
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon lemon juice (freshly squeezed)
Stevia to taste
Dash of salt
Dash of cayenne (optional)
Combine all ingredients in food processor or blender until smooth. Pour and enjoy!
You will notice that all of the above recipes are made with organic fresh ingredients. No oils, butter or fats. Many of the ingredients contain great health benefits as well, here are a couple that I use all of the time in my recipes:
Apple Cider Vinegar:
- Be sure to purchase the Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, this is made of organically grown apples and retains the fruits' nutrients because raw apple cider vinegar is not pasteurized. It goes through a fermentation process which produces enzymes and life giving nutrients. It is a great base for all vinaigrettes and marinades.
- I recommend Bragg
- Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
- Stevia is a small green plant native to Paraguay, the leaves have a delicious taste that can be 30 times sweeter than sugar. The human body does not metabolize the sweet glycosides from the leaf and therefore the body does not obtain any calories from Stevia. Be sure to purchase Stevia in it's pure unadulterated form and it will not adversely affect blood glucose.
- Stevia comes in powder form or liquid form, I put this in just about everything from my coffee in the morning to my protein shakes. The liquid also comes in many great flavors for your coffee and desserts... yummy!
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